This calendar, equipped complete with a Hijri to Gregorian conversion tool, was created primarily as a reminder to all of our Ahle Sunnah Wal Jama’ah brothers and sisters of the important events relevant to our Aqeeda – The Urs Mubarak and Holy Birthdays of the Prophets And Messengers of ALLAH ALAIHUM ASSALATHU WASSALAM and the Beloved AWLIYAULLAH AL KIRAAM, amongst others. This enables us to rejoice and celebrate the Lives and Attributes of these Holy Men and Women with various forms of recitation and praise, in a timely manner. It is through the Knowledge, Wisdom and Guidance of these Beloved People of God that we are able to proudly proclaim membership of the one and only Aqeeda preached by RASOOLULLAH ﷺ - The Aqeeda of the Ahle Sunnah Wal Jama’ah, Thus, it is of utmost importance to remember and praise Them on the appropriate dates not only as a benefit for ourselves, but also for our Kith and Kin and for the sake of revival and continuation of these Noble Practices for the coming generations, as it is these Noble Practices that will bring us close to the Holy Feet of RASOOLULLAH ﷺ and in these Noble Practices lies protection from the evils of the deviants.